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Spending Club Funds


Spending Club Funds

There are several methods for spending your club funds or ASUCM allocations. Please plan ahead and allow plenty of time to submit forms to OSI so we can help you make your purchases before your event.  Before any purchases for an event can be processed, the event notification form must be submitted through CatLife.

The purchase request should be made two to five weeks before the items or service is required in order to allow sufficient time for processing. This timeline OSI Purchasing Timeline Guide will help guide you on how long different type of requests can take.  Your request could be turned down if the timeline is not followed.

Purchase Orders

A purchase order is a promise to pay (IOU) for products or services. Purchase orders are the means the university uses to order supplies and services through an account payable system. Vendors receive a specific numbered purchase order that promises the vendor they will be paid within at least 60 days from the purchase date, if an invoice is sent to accounts payable.

Most vendors invoice the university directly, but others will give you the invoice and then you must turn it into OSI to forward it to Accounts Payable.

Note that the University’s logo is trademarked and if you are wanting to use the logo on items, you must do so through one of the University’s authorized vendors: Image Masters and the Campus Store.

* Attach an estimate or quote from the vendor to the CatLife purchase request form.

** Purchase orders for food must have an attendee list and flyer/agenda turned in within two days after event.


Reimbursements will be made when a club member has used their own money to purchase something for their club. This method is discouraged, since reimbursement checks can take up to four to six weeks process. A Sponsored Guest Form will be need to be completed when submitting a request for reinbursement. Please complete the highlighted sections of the form and sign. Be sure to use this method only if you have the extra personal funds available. Always ask before purchasing something on your own, as OSI may have a better method. Any reimbursement over $200 must be pre-approved.

The original itemized receipt must be dropped off at the OSI front desk after the Reimbursement request is submitted in CatLife.

**Reimbursements for food must have an attendee list and agenda/flyer turned in within two days after event.

Procurement Card Purchases

OSI has a credit card that can be used to purchase items that cannot be purchased by other means, such as items from stores in town or online purchases. In order to use the credit card for a purchase, submit a Procurement Card request in CatLife. If the purchase is for something at a store in town, arrangements must be made with Connie McBride to go to the store to pay for the items.

If the purchase is for something online, print out the shopping cart page and attach it to the purchase request form in CatLife.

*Some common restricted items for Procurement Card purchases are:

            Travel related expenses

Declining Credit Card

OSI has a declining credit card available for students to check out for purchases needed in town, for stores that do not take purchase orders.

A Declining Credit Card purchase request must be submitted through CatLife and then arrange an appointment to meet with Connie McBride.  When the student comes in to pick up the card, they will sign a Responsibility Agreement and verify the balance on the card with Connie. When the purchase is completed, the original itemized receipt must be turned in to OSI within 24 hours or next business day. The cards balance will be reconciled and signed off by student. Only the student assigned the card will be able to make the purchase and return receipt.

Inter-department Recharges

Several departments on campus have been approved to be recharge units. Currently they include:

  • Catering (Dining Services)
  • Facilities
  • Transportation and Parking Services
  • College Store
  • Mail/Copy Services
  • Police and Public Safety
  • Recreation

A campus recharge must be submitted through CatLife. Attach a copy of the quote or email verifying the items ordered.

Departments issuing the recharge will ask OSI for your club’s COA (which is your account number) and verify funds are available.

If the recharge is from catering, a participant list and agenda or flyer is to be turned in to OSI front desk within two days of the event

Performers or Speakers

Please meet with the OSI Business Center Administrative Assistant, Catrina Parr before submitting an Expenditure Request for a speaker/performer. Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for processing, plan accordingly. Please ensure the following information is collected to process a contract: Quote/estimate, resume. The speaker/performer will have to be setup as a new vendor. Please provide following information for new vendor setup, short description, vendor name, vendor primary contact name, primary contact phone number, and primary contact email address.